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Tuesday's Tip: Write it in the IEP!

Tuesday's Tip: Did you know that the school is not required to implement items discussed at an IEP meeting unless those decisions are written INTO the actual IEP document? Meaning, IN the DOCUMENT. I hear, "But The Team said it is ok - "X" teacher knows my son and what he needs." Or, "I know they have been providing the service, but it isn't in my IEP - it's ok!" And,  "My IEP says ind/group, but they promised me he is getting the ind 1:1!" Assume that if a service or goal is not in writing (or specific), it is NOT going to happen. Next time you are at your IEP meeting, and the Team agrees to a service or goal, document it! Include in this description (1) what will be provided, (2) who will provide this, (3) the duration/how long, and (4) where the instruction will occur. Yes, we all have good intentions, but there are many scenarios which cause non-implementation of a service, such as active caseloads, families moving districts, provider changes, etc. When it is written in the IEP, there is no need for interpretation. It has to be implemented and all school personnel have access to the IEP! 

#specialeducation #IEP #specialeducationadvocate #FAPE #IEPgoals #iephelp

Jen Maser