Special Education Advocacy & Consulting

COVID-19 Information & Resources

Educational Guidance Documents

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Resources


Information from Special Director’s Meetings:


Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios - SY 2021-22

FAQ October 12, 2021

FAQ August 20, 2021Installment of FAQs (about the 21-22 school year)

COVID-19 FAQ’s for Families Regarding Special Education (August 2021)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Schools and Districts Regarding Special Education  (Revised July 8, 2021)

Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios

DESE/DPH COVID-19 Guidance: Fall 2021 (Updated: August 27, 2021)

Special Education Transportation Guidance (March 24, 2021)

School Year 2020-2021 Reopening Transportation Guidance (Updated February 11, 2021)

Frequently Asked Questions for Schools and Districts Regarding Special Education (Revised January 22, 202)

Guidance on Amendments to Student Learning Time Regulations (December 18, 2020)

Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios (November 23, 2020)

Updates to Guidance on Interpreting DPH COVID-19 Health Metrics (November 6, 2020)

COVID-19 Special Education Administrative Advisory 2021-1: Procedures for Temporary Waiver of Classroom Ratios in Preschool Inclusionary Programs (October 27, 2020)

Remote Learning Guidance for FALL 2020 (Updated October 19, 2020)

October 12, 2020 Installment of FAQs

Family Fact Sheet: COVID-19 Compensatory Services and Recovery Support for Students with IEPs During the COVID-19 Pandemic (September 24, 2020)

September 21 Installment of Frequently Asked Questions (September 21, 2020)

Reporting Requirement for Positive COVID-19 Cases and Mobile Response Overview (September 18, 2020)

Back to School Letter For Families of Children with Disabilities (September 3, 2020)

Supplemental Remote Learning Information and Resources (August 31, 2020)

Educational Options for the 2020-2021 School Year (August 31, 2020)

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions for Schools and Districts Regarding Special Education (Revised August 27, 2020)

FAQ: Fall Reopening Frequently Asked Questions (August 26, 2020, includes updates from July 10 FAQ)

Covid-19 Special Education Learning Plan (August 20, 2020)

Protocols for Responding to Covid-19 Scenarios (Revised August 20,2020 - Initially released July 17)

Joint Memo Clarifying Key Health and Safety Requirements for Schools (August 18, 2020)

Joint Guidance on Modified Sports Seasons for School Year 20-21(August 18, 2020)

List of Reopening Models by District for Fall 2020 (as of noon, August 18, 2020)

COVID-19 Compensatory Services and Recovery Support for Students with IEPs: Special Education Technical Assistance Advisory 2021-1 (August 17, 2020)

Guidance for Districts and Schools on Interpreting DPH COVID-19 Metrics (August 11, 2020) (Overview of Metrics from COVID-19 Command) PL3 Form

Student Learning Time Waiver Process (July 30, 2020) Memo

Guidance Memo to Private K-12 Schools (July 29, 2020)

DESE Remote Learning Guidance for Fall 2020 (July 24, 2020)

Overview of the Two-Step Process For District Reopening Plan Submissions (July 15, 2020)

FAQ: Fall Reopening Frequently Asked Questions (July 10, 2020)

Comprehensive Special Education Guidance for the 2020-21 School Year Memo (July 10, 2020) Minor text updates made July 23, 2020 and supplements Initial Fall School Reopening Guidance (June 25, 2020)

Comprehensive Summer School Guidance (July 1, 2020)

Initial Return to School Guidance (June 25, 2020)

Guidance about Summer 2020 Special Education Services (June 8, 2020)

Guidance on Required Safety Supplies for Re-Opening Schools (June 5, 2020) (*Return-to-School Working Group)

Initial Guidance on Summer School (June 4, 2020)

COVID Special Education Technical Assistance Advisory 2020-2 (May 21, 2020)

*COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions For Schools and Districts Regarding Special Education (May 15, 2020)

Letter to Families and High School Guidance (May 8, 2020)

Updated Learning Remote Guidance (April 24, 2020)

School Year Requirements (April 24, 2020)

DESE Family Resource Toolbox (April 17, 2020)

DESE Family Resource Letter (posted April 17, 2020, dated April 9, 2020)

Guidance on Remote Learning for English Learners (April 15, 2020)

License Renewal, Continuing Education, and Telepractice During the State of Emergency for Coronavirus (March 31, 2020)

DESE Letter to Families about Remote Learning - DESE Commissioner, Jeffrey C. Riley (March 30, 2020)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For Schools And Districts Regarding Special Education (Document) & Link (Revised March 26, 2020 based on US DOE Supplemental Facts Sheet released *March 21, 2020)

Remote Learning Recommendations During COVID-19 School Closures - DESE Commissioner, Jeffrey C. Riley (March 26, 2020)

Presentation and Recording (August 26, 2021): Focus of this meeting was the 2021-2022 Family letter and FAQ, School Opening Updates, MCAS Alt updates, Long COVID and IDEA - new guidance from OSEP, New Draft Reusable Learning Object (RLO) for Referral section of Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility (REE), and provided a link to a short survey to inform DESE on the best way to make these meetings be of assistance.

Presentation and Recording (July 15, 2021): updates to the FAQ on compensatory services, equitable services and resolution funds, implementing education in home or hospital settings, early childhood briefs, update on the IEP improvement project, and the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Reports.

Presentation and Recording (June 11, 2021): updates to technical assistance advisory SPED 2014-5, updated reusable learning object (RLO) for De-Escalation and Prevention of Physical Restraint, a new frequently asked questions (FAQs) and individual student accommodations and implementing education in home and hospital settings.

Presentation and Recording (May 14, 2021): dyslexia guidance, emergency licensure extension, updated learning module for the prevention of physical restraint, special education program plan statements and special education determination letters, proportionate share/idea equitable services and home/hospital tutoring and unscheduled evaluations for medical reasons.

Presentation and Recording (April 9, 2021): new dyslexia guidance. Also reviewed information on compensatory services, summer educational services, in-person learning, modified competency determination and reviewed information about upcoming departmental meetings and events.

DESE Zoom Presentation and Recording  (March 26, 2021): Discussions on Return to in-person learning; Special education transportation guidance; Summer educational services; Dyslexia guidelines; Modified competency determination; and DDS Advisory.

MCAS and MCAS-Alt Update: Question and Answer (February 5, 2021)

Presentation and Recording  (January 22, 2021): Discussion about the updated FAQ, the Autism Insurance Resource Center, and guidance on student participation, safety, and wellbeing, Meeting also covered updates on student assessment, equitable services, and dyslexia services.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors and Recording (December 11, 2020): Discussion on dyslexia guidelines, updates on the special education targeted grant funding, updates on LRE in remote and hybrid instruction, and other general updates.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (November 20, 2020): Discussion on Serving English learners (ELs) with disabilities during in-person, hybrid, and remote learning, creating developmentally appropriate learning environments for early childhood programs (Preschool up to grade 3) during the COVID-19 pandemic, grant announcements FC247 and FC298, updates on the IEP Improvement Project, including announcement of early adopters, and other pertinent special education and COVID-19 topics.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (November 6, 2020): Discsusion on Governor Baker's new mask order, grant funding including allowable costs, early adopters for the Individualized Education Program (IEP) improvement project, Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) and MCAS Alternate Assessment, significant disproportionality in special education update and remote attendance.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (October 23, 2020): Discussion on the IEP improvement project, procedures for temporary waiver of classroom ratios in preschool inclusionary programs, information on upcoming events, the Massachusetts dyslexia guidelines, optional/free antigen testing program and other pertinent special education information.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (October 9, 2020): Discusion on remote assessment, two new FAQs from OSEP and OCR, and providing least restrictive environment for preschool children and alternative compliance procedures for inclusionary programs for young children.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors and Recording (September 25, 2020): Discussion on a variety of issues related to reopening, including remote and in-person assessment and safety considerations for in-home services. Also discuss MCAS-Alt, and significant disproportionality in special education. Includes a preseantion on tele-assessment from Dr. Catherine C. Vieira-Baker of South Coast Educational Collaborative.

September 22, 2020 — Tele-Assessment Webinar: Webinar presented by Dr. Bill Mautz of Children’s Neuropsychological Services and Dr. Joe Moldover of Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society. The webinar covers basics, limitations and challenges of tele-assessment. The presenters also demonstrate tele-assessment and discuss options for remote vs. modified in-person assessments.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation and Recording for Special Education Directors (September 3, 2020): Discussion on updated FAQ, and reviews key information related to special education during the pandemic. Also provides information about upcoming events, trainings and resources.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (August 20, 2020): Discussion on new COVID-19 compensatory services technical assistance and the parent communication documentation template

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (August 6, 2020): Update on multiple guidance and documents including discussions on preschool inclusion, deaf and hard of hearing program configuration, tele-assessment best practices and district plans for the Fall and forthcoming COVID-19 Compensatory Services and Recovery Support document.

DESE Guidance Updates with Senior Associate Commissioner Russell Johnston (July 30, 2020 -Webinar)

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (July 23, 2020): Guidance Documents and language access for families as school resumes.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (July 9, 2020) Zoom Recording: Comprehensive guidance for school year 2020-2021.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (June 18, 2020) Zoom Recording: Lessons learned from colleagues.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (June 12, 2020) Zoom Recording: Updates, summer guidance continued.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation — Special Tuesday Edition (June 9, 2020): Summer Guidance.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (June 5, 2020): Systemic racism and being an antiracist educator, updates.

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (May 29, 2020): Remote progress monitoring, transition from Part C (EI), SEL guidance

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (May 22, 2020): Timelines guidance, resource guide & family engagement

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (May 15, 2020): Guidance on timelines, remote assessment

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (May 8, 2020): Extended School Year (ESY), timelines, CARES Act

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (May 1, 2020): Early childhood transition, timelines, secondary transition

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (April 17, 2020): Timelines, going deeper in previous topics

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (April 9, 2020): Resource updates, remote learning plans

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (April 3, 2020): Remote service delivery, procedural topics

DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors (March 26, 2020): Shifting to remote instruction

Joint Guidance Issued by The Office of the Attorney General and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association

COVID-19 Law Enforcement Guidance: Masks and Face Coverings FAQ’s (May 4, 2020)


Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC) COVID-19 Resource Page

Special Needs Advocacy Network (SPaN) COVID-19 Resource Page

Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) COVID-19 Resource Page

Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) COVID-19 Resource Page

DESE / EDC / Transforming Education / Walker Cares: Supporting Students’ SEL and Mental Health Needs Webinar / Slides with Speaker Notes


Moor, Perlman & Gregg, LLC

Kotin, Crabtree & Strong, LLP

Wong & Boscarine, LLC

Sankey Law Offices

Tim Sindelar, Esq.

Lisa Lapinski, Esq.

Peter Farrell, Esq. (Tamkin & Hochberg, LLC)

Murphy Hesse Toomehy & Lehane, LLP

American Bar Association

Community-Level COVID-19 Data Reporting

Educational Resources/Links during the School Closures