Every student is unique and every need is different. There is no one-size-fits-all plan that meets the needs of every student especially during this unprecedented time. The landscape of Special Education is changing daily. A Special Education Advocate should know and understand the most recent Federal and State laws, regulations and guidances pertaining to Special Education services. In addition, an advocate must be familiar with the policies and procedures used in your school district. We tailor and customize services to fit the specific needs of the individual child and family.
(Virtual consultation / Conference Call / Phone)
The first step in the special education process is to have a one-on-one consultation regarding your child's current school situation, past history, and review the services in which I may provide support. As a team, we will review the suggested next steps towards your child's educational plan. I offer parent support via email, phone and Zoom/online, and will help you with each step of your journey.
(Attending with families remotely via your District’s platform - Zoom/ Conference Call / Phone)
My goal is to provide you with knowledge and help prepare you for an IEP meeting, and for all future school district meetings. I will help formulate your concerns and requests for services, review & revise current goals, and advise as to what documentation you may need. This service begins as you are looking for assistance during Early Intervention through the transition planning years. If requested, I will accompany you at the IEP or 504 meeting to listen and help negotiate your needs. If this is the first IEP meeting, the team will develop your child’s first IEP. I am available at any point during the IEP process.
Document REVIEW
I will review and examine all student records, such as: evaluations (school and private), testing, assessments, developmental history, education plans (past and current IEP's or 504's), team meeting notes, report cards and progress reports. We will then go through the procedural history of your education plan and review goals, services, and areas of concern - past and present. As a team, we will organize your records and I will show you how to navigate through the special education process for your present needs, as well as future concerns.
Working with the school is a negotiation, and it is a team collaborative effort. The goal is getting your child the education/services he or she needs. I will help draft professional and effective letters, request educational records and documents, document any and all parental concerns, and review all communications to and from the school. My focus is to negotiate with the school to secure appropriate services for your child.
COmmunication and
Special education law requires that districts, upon receiving a referral from Early Intervention (EI), complete an evaluation and make a determination of eligibility and, if the child is determined eligible, implement the IEP by the child's third birthday. 603 CMR 28.04(1)(d). Please visit the Massachusetts Dept. of Education Frequently Asked Questions: Transition from Early Intervention to Special Education for further information.
Special Education Mediation is voluntary and a confidential dispute resolution process available at no cost through the BSEA. When the school district and parents disagree about the educational needs of a student, either party may request mediation. If there is a disagreement between you and the school district concerning your child’s needs, I will help you attempt to solve the disagreement.
Transition is the process for planning and preparing a student on an IEP to move from high school to adult life. Transition planning is a very important step in the special education process. It is essential to prepare the student on an IEP for life beyond the protected environment of school. Our goal is to attain services from the school to prepare students for employment, post-secondary education, and independent living. In Massachusetts, the transition process begins when the student is 14 years old and he/she is invited to attend the IEP meeting to help assist in deciding his/her own future.
Are you a parent group with special education questions? Are you looking for advice or tips on how to navigate this system? Curious about special education dispute resolution options, regulations or the laws? I guide parents through the special education process and help you understand your rights in accordance with state and federal special education laws. I want you to learn the system so that you can advocate in most situations, and I am only required for specific instances. I offer individual and group training, one-time consultations, workshops & meetings, tailored to fit any need.
Observing a student in his or her current placement is crucial as it allows an individual to see what is truly occurring in the current setting. I can visit schools, observe interactions with peers, the appropriateness of peers, review curriculum / interventions, and gather information regarding your child’s functioning in the classroom. In addition, I encourage the parent to observe the child in the classroom setting so you have firsthand knowledge of your child’s skills in the current placement.