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"We will have to get back to you..." Who should be at your meeting?

Have you been in an IEP meeting discussing your child’s needs and related services, only to be told by the IEP chair, “hmmm, we will have to check and see if we can do ___ / provide ____ and get back to you.” Why? "We make these decisions as a Team." I must be confused because this is the Team? No. Don't be gaslighted by the school. You ask: Who is here representing the District?

...IDEA mandates that your IEP team include several required Team members. If appropriately gathered (i.e., ALL required members present) present team members include: You (the parent), a Special Education teacher of your child, a Regular Education teacher of your child (if appropriate), a person who can interpret evaluation results, any member a parent may invite (although to note - they are not required, but you can invite whomever!), however most important to this scenario - The representative of the District/School who has the AUTHORITY to COMMIT the resources of both time and personnel of the school. This representative must be “qualified to provide or supervise the provision of specially designed instruction (special education) to meet your child’s unique needs AND is also knowledgeable about your school’s general education curriculum AND the availability of school resources.” 

So, who is here with the authority to not only discuss the Districts' resources, but the authority to approve them? I’ll wait… and I would like this in writing - and request it in the N1. Don't let the school delay and delay and delay what your child needs. #Specialeducation #specialeducationlaw#specialeducationadvocate #IEP #504Plan #FAPE

Jen MaserIEP team, team members