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Termination of Eligibility - What is a parent to do?

Frequent Scenario - School informed you that your child is doing “so well,” that he or she doesn’t need special education services. Did you know when a district seeks to terminate eligibility, it must conduct an evaluation and a team meeting to explain its decision to parents? If the parents disagree with the district’s decision to terminate eligibility, they may reject the decision, invoke “stay put,” and seek the appropriate relief though dispute resolution. Often times, a school will simply say, “your child doesn’t need an IEP anymore!” Well, amazing news…but, is it accurate? To reiterate my last post - ASK! Do not be afraid to ask questions! Can you explain to me what criteria was used in your evaluative efforts? What is my child’s functioning level? Is he or she at peer level? Is he or she behind peer level? In its required evaluative efforts to determine removal from an IEP, please remember that a school district may not use any single measure or assessment as the sole criterion for determining whether your child has a disability (or determining an appropriate educational program for your child). #IEP #IEPremoval #terminationofeligibility #specialeducation #specialeducationadvocate #FAPE #Autism #ADHD #504Plan

Jen Maser