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School is closed, now what?

Ok. So, schools are closing. This is an unprecedented time. As my close friends & clients know, I am NOT just a Special Education Advocate. I am also a special needs Mom in the trenches. I have a child at home who CANNOT miss one day of service. I am extremely disappointed with the lack of ANY curriculum brought home AND the lack of transparency regarding information about how to proceed with help. Doing what I do, I know why the school/s chose this route, so it breaks my heart (and fuels my fire) to ensure he (and ALL of my clients) receive services. So, for now, time to take my child's education in my own hands (and deal with the school at the appropriate time - Hello COMPENSATORY TIME during SUMMER - more on this when the dust settles). Over the next few weeks, I plan on posting daily any FREE and HELPFUL sites I can find. Please crowdsource! Use my page to post whatever you find! Feel free to DM any information! 
First up - a list of education companies currently floating around offering free subscriptions:  https://docs.google.com/…/1NUKLZN7hGSu1Hzm70kfzBK…/htmlview…

Second, I was just reading a Special Ed Attorney's page, and she highly recommended Epic! Reading. You can search by topic and narrow the search to audio books. Each book can “level” according to Lexile to either lower or increase readability level. Teachers have FREE access to this site in school, as well. Going to check it out now! Stay Safe, Stay Sane & Wash those hands... ❤️ #specialeducationadvocate #specialeducation#IEPhelp #CoronaVirus #schoolclosing #readinghelp

Jen Maser