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Updated Guidance & DESE Special Educator Power Point Zoom (5.1.20)

UPDATED Guidance AND DESE Zoom Meeting Presentation for Special Education Directors posted on my Covid page (www.maseradvocacy.com/covid) Here are a few slides to note in particular. 1, Timelines have not been waived! IEP Teams should be meeting -Have you heard from your District? 2, DESE's updated guidance recommends teaching content standards most critical for student success in the next grade level. General Education is no longer just reviewing and reinforcing skills. Is your child receiving their direct instruction per their IEP to ensure effective progress in light of this recent guidance? How can your child learn content according to State Standards if they are not receiving services that correlate to their IEP goals? #FAPE #specialeducation #COVID19#IEPhelp

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Jen Maser