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MCAS Tip: With MCAS Testing upon us, students (and parents) are often stressed and worried about test results. Here is a tip to use this test to your "advantage" in an IEP meeting. Open the MCAS results to page 2 and 3 (see attached picture). You will see your child's scores (compared to others in the District). In particular, you can see where your child excelled or struggled (See yellow star: reading, writing, and language). Use this to your advantage! Find the weakness/es. For example, if he or she earned 1/7 on a writing prompt (see yellow highlighted circles), define this weakness, show the need, and draft a goal so your child may receive the appropriate writing services. You can go to http://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/testitems.html, click the MCAS digital item library to review each SPECIFIC question on the MCAS. Did he or she struggle with details about characters, settings, or events? Did they struggle with grammar, spelling and punctuation? 
Perhaps it was a point of view question or reading comprehension? Your answers are IN the questions! Find the information and present the data! You cannot disagree with data! And, if the school disagrees? Ask them for a cogent explanation to why your child does not require this help (and get it in writing!). #IEP #specialeducation#specialeducationadvocate #MCAS #FAPE #IEPgoals

Jen MaserMCAS, IEP, IEP goals