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Let's Talk DATA...

Students are beginning the first few weeks of the school year. Did your child receive Extended School year (ESY) this summer? Or, rather... was your child found ineligible for ESY? Take advantage of this timeframe - to help build a case for your child, request that the Team gather specific data during this first month of school. You can use this academic or behavior regression to solidify services for summer (or ANY day that is not a school day because "ESY" is not just for summer!). If your IEP states that your child mastered his or her goals from the year, now is the time to request IN WRITING and ask for data to be taken. Data doesn't lie. This request can be simple and emailed to your IEP chair and Team: Dear ____, I am writing to request for the Team (specify whom and where) to gather baseline data on my child's (reading, math, writing, comprehension, OT, speech, behavior - insert need/area). It was explained to me during our IEP meeting last school year that my child did not have the adequate data to support the need for ESY as he did not show regression or a "need" in (reading, math, insert area). I am requesting baseline data be taken during this first month, as well as before and after all school breaks (follow this up with an email prior and post each break!). ESY is not just a regression-based decision and having this data will provide you with the necessary information to help your child. #IEP #504plan #specialeducation #specialeducationadvocate#specialeducationlaw #IEPhelp #FAPE #ESY