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RTI may not be used to delay or deny an evaluation request

Parents: As we enter our 5th week of learning in Massachusetts, for most students, this equates to *8* days of in-person learning. For students who may need additional academic supports, schools can choose to implement what is referred to as multi-tiered system of supports, like RTI (Response to Intervention). It is important to note, however, RTI or any system of support does not preclude a parent (or whomever) from requesting an initial evaluation at any time to determine if a child is a child with a disability. If a student is suspected of having a disability, and as a result of the disability(ies), he or she is unable to progress effectively in the general education program without the provision of specially designed instruction (OR is unable to access the general curriculum without the provision of one or more related services), RTI may not be used to delay or deny an evaluation request! #specialneeds #specialeducationadvocate #specialeducationlaw #RTI #FAPE #iephelp #iepgoals #iepmeeting #evaluation #Eligibility #reading #dyslexia #ADHD #autism jen@maseradvocacy.com

Must evaluate upon referral.png
Jen Maser