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Minimum Required Instruction Time in Massachusetts for Elementary and Secondary Schools

Parents: Regardless of your district’s model, ALL students, including those learning remotely, MUST receive at least the minimum amount of required instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. This is:

- 850 hours for elementary schools (or 5 hours/ day over 170 days)

- 935 hours for secondary schools (or 5.5 hours/ day over 170 days)

(See: Image 1). Throughout the school day and week, students learning remotely should experience a combination of instructional activities, such as: live, synchronous instruction; small group or individual academic support; and asynchronous, independent work time; and have access to teachers or staff members at a regularly scheduled time to monitor ongoing progress and needs. With family input, schools should create and adhere to a consistent schedule of synchronous and asynchronous learning time. The minimum structured learning time requirement must be reached EACH day (See: Image 2 and 3 for Grades K-2, 3-5 Minimum Recommended Time Ranges). I urge you to look at this document and look at the examples for student schedules. Your child must receive the minimum structured learning time, regardless of age OR need! If your District is not adhering to this, send them the link and request your new schedule! #IEP #IEPhelp #specialeducation #remotelearning #COVID19 #iepgrid #FAPE #teammeeting #DESE #specialeducationadvocate #specialeducationlaw jen@maseradvocacy.com http://www.doe.mass.edu/covid19/remote-learning/...

8.31.20 Remote Learning:times.png
Suggested Learning Times.png
Suggested Learning Times Gr 3-5.png
Jen Maser