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Amending your IEP Meeting Notes and N1

IEP Meeting Notes & N1: Just because a Team Chair or Special Education Administrator took notes during your meeting does not mean the notes are 1, accurate or 2, truthful. When you receive the notes, read them and the N1 LINE BY LINE. Document ALL inaccuracies or any potential falsehoods. Draft your own notes and your N1 and state you want them as part of your child's educational record. The only way to hold this "practice" accountable is to document *everything* and respond accordingly. There should be zero issue with amending the notes or N1 to reflect what occurred in your meeting. If they tell you no? See: 603 CMR 23.08. You have the right to add information, comments, data, or any other relevant written material to the student record.You have the right to request in writing the deletion or amendment of any information contained in the student record. #IEP #teammeeting

Jen Maser