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Posts tagged IEP summary
Does your IEP reflect what you discussed?

Scenario: You are in an IEP meeting. You discuss needs, goals & services, come to what you believe was a mutual conclusion/s, only to wait (what the District finds as "reasonable time") to receive the IEP and N1 to see it describes very little, or the complete opposite, of what you discussed? Then, you find yourself in an "I said, They said" email back-and-forth chain, which in the end, only serves to delay and drag the ticking clock of your child's school year. Assert your parental rights at your IEP meeting. Districts have the technology to present at least the key service components of an IEP as you leave the meeting. This "summary," at a minimum, MUST include (1) "a completed IEP service delivery grid describing the types and amounts of special education and/or related services proposed by the district, and (2) a statement of the major goal areas associated with these services." IF the school provides this, they may take no more than 2 calendar weeks to prepare the complete IEP. Request and review this summary, as well as the Chair's notes before you leave that room! If this summary and notes do not accurately reflect your revisions or decisions, politely wait until it does... (See: Memo on the Implementation of 603 CMR 28.05(7), MDESE December 1, 2006). #specialeducation #specialeducationadvocate #specialeducationlaw #FAPE #IEP #IEPhelp #IEPmeeting #ADHD#Autism #Dyslexia