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Posts tagged consent
Parent Consent

Thursday's TIP: * PARENT CONSENT *

A quick bullet list for parents! Every school must get informed *written* parental consent as follows:

  • Before conducting an initial evaluation. School cannot conduct an initial evaluation of a student to determine whether he/she is eligible to receive special education and/or related services without first obtaining parent consent. If your student is referred for an evaluation, the school must ask for parent consent to the evaluation within five school days. 

  • Before school can provide special education and related services to your child for the first time (once determined eligible for by the IEP team)

  • Before making an initial placement of your child in a special education program.

  • Before conducting a reevaluation of your child

  • Before changing services for your child

  • Before changing your child’s placement 

  • Before initiating extended evaluation services

  • Before the excusal of an IEP team member