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Posts tagged reading
Show me the (reading) Data!

Question from a parent: What can I do to track my child’s progress? Specifically, how often should the District communicate progress towards a child’s reading goals? No matter the methodology used, you must be able to objectively measure the data. One way the school can monitor your child’s progress is with the Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills (Dibels) or Aimsweb. Both are norm-referenced benchmark assessments and provide both age and grade equivalencies for progress monitoring. It is important to note that DIBELS and Aimsweb are only “indicators” of a student’s overall reading status, and are not intended to be in-depth or comprehensive measures of reading. They are not to be considered diagnostic reading assessments for identifying a child’s specific areas of strengths and weaknesses or determining any difficulties that a child may have in learning to read and/or the potential cause of such difficulties, and do not help to determine possible reading intervention strategies and related special needs. This should be done annually! (More on this in a later post!).

Both Dibels and Aimsweb offer one-minute assessments for oral reading fluency, providing for rate and accuracy and report in words read correctly per minute. When used as progress monitoring tool, the school may complete at least one of the individual DIBELS tests as often as once a week!

If your child has a reading goal(s) on his or her IEP, it is important to request and receive this reading data weekly. You want to have this documented (in writing) in your actual IEP. Often, a school will respond that they cannot probe weekly. This is untrue. Each DIBELS probe takes approximately one+ minute to complete. The close monitoring of this progress is very important because it will help determine the effectiveness of the methodology and allows appropriate course-correction. You will know within 2-3 weeks whether or not your child is making progress as you should see a rate of 1 - 2 words gained successfully per week (per grade, see graph). Using the ORF CBM norm, you can graph and track your child’s progress. By using your child’s scores and your IEP goal, you can track the rate of growth by the number of weeks of instruction. Visual representations of your child’s progress (or lack thereof) are extremely effective tools in an IEP meeting. [**Disclosure: I am not a reading specialist, however I am an advocate who loves data, charts, and graphs. The visual proof demonstrating an undebatable lack of progress creates a deafening silence in an IEP meeting.]

Aimsweb Chart.png

CBM Growth.png
When School says NO, ask: WHY!

 I don’t know why I am surprised when certain things occur or are said in IEP meetings. 

Frequent Friday Scenario: You, the parent, are sitting in your child's IEP meeting, whether for eligibility, a Team reconvene, reviewing evaluations, etc., and the School District (insert Special Education Administrator, Principal, or IEP chair) says something you find confusing or quite frankly, it just doesn’t sound “right” to you, but you feel silly questioning his or her explanation and authority. I mean, after all - you are a parent, you don’t have the expertise and knowledge this person allegedly has, and you should trust what he or she is saying about your child, right? They said it? It MUST be true?! Let’s use an example: You request a reading methodology or for your reading service to be provided by the school Reading Specialist. Your child has a reading goal, however he cannot read, has not progressed with the current eclectic reading program the school is attempting to use, and has never seen the Reading specialist. School's answer: "We never give 1:1 (or, OG, Wilson, etc) reading therapy, or "We only do small group," or "Students like him do not see a reading specialist,“ or We don’t have enough reading specialists at our school right now so we will have to assess if someone is available.”). Yes. This happens. 

JUST because the school says something, does not make it FACT. If you take anything away from this post, take this: QUESTION EVERYTHING. Ask WHY? Can you explain? Ask for documentation. Ask for the School Policy. If the school says, “We don’t provide 1:1.” You say: “Can you please show me the school board policy on this.” School says, “We don’t have a provider for your child.” You say: “Can you provide me the regulation or law that supports that an eligible student must wait in line until school find the funds to hire another provider for a service he or she needs?” Your child’s IEP is needs-based and needs-driven, and school's lack of resources is not your child's responsibility. It may very well be true that the school does not do X, or that they cannot offer Y. However... that does not mean that they SHOULD NOT! There is a difference - and do not be afraid to ASK WHY! You cannot be an equal team member and provide INFORMED consent, and sign a legal document, if you do not know the facts! Hold them accountable, and follow every meeting with a written letter documenting the conversation and requesting the information!  #specialeducation #specialeducationadvocate #FAPE#IEP #IEPconsultanting #IEPhelp #504Plan #Autism #ADHD#dyslexia www.maseradvocacy.com Jen@maseradvocacy.com